
Bike down a Mountain? Yes Please!

Breck Oktoberfest and a SWEET Bike Ride

Breckenridge Oktoberfest and A bike Ride Down Boreas Pass Road

Hello All! Starting to feel a little chilly huh? Well, it’s fall in Colorado after all so I don't see it getting much warmer! Then again, we do generally get a bit of an Indian summer toward the end of September into early October. This past weekend, however, did seem to be a bit on the rainy end. I’m not sure what you did but I spent the weekend up in the mountains attending the ever so popular Breckenridge Oktoberfest! The weather was a little hit or miss at the time but that certainly will never stop the residents of Breckenridge from engaging in any drinking festivity. Oktoberfest seems to bring all the sorts out of the woodworks as well, with people joining for the drinking, the food, the bull riding, it generally turns into quite the spectacle for newcomers. I personally don't enjoy Paulaner beer that much but it does bring a bit of the spirit to the streets. What's unique about Breckenridge Oktoberfest is that one, it's held at 9'600 ft above sea level, two, it has to be one of the rowdier events just because of that Breckenridge mentality. Nearly the entire length of Main Street is closed from Lincoln/Ski Hill - Park ave. You can easily be eating a brat or drinking a beer and then just pop into one of the many shops and bars lining Breckenridge's main street.

Aside from all the Breckenridge fun I was able to hop on a super cool bike tour guided by a local business called Ridden in Breckenridge. The tour I tagged along on was the Breckenridge Bike Tour - Boreas Pass It was one of the coolest things I've done in a while and I think the guests would agree! You begin by meeting up at Ridden Breckenridge which is located at 520 South Main Street. You walk in and automatically feel a welcoming presence and start to sign waivers, get fitted for bikes, helmets, meet your guide(s) and, make sure everything is good to go. You make your way to the back parking lot where you begin to load up the truck and prepare for a sweet ride up to the top of the continental divide. As you go along on the ride you're getting a history lesson of the area and what's really sweet is that the Boreas pass road in Breckenridge actually follows the old route the train used to take over from Como so that miners were able to get some supplies. As you go up the winding mountain road which I definitely recommend a truck or SUV for you can feel the history speaking to you. The walls of some of the red rock literally have written words from the miners back in the day and it's not uncommon to find old railroad spikes that were leftover. 

As you ascend up the mountain you begin to start seeing only views that make sense if you're right there and able to see for yourself. You can see the Rockies on one side and then as far as the high can see on the other. All while you’re nestled between two large foothill looking mountains. Once you arrive at the top you get to the top of the continental divide where you can look to the Atlantic and Pacific side. You unload the bikes and are given instructions to ride completely down the hill to a sign where you're instructed to stop for return pickup. The ride down was amazing and very casual. I think I pedaled once the entire time, it is kind of bumpy though so I may recommend wearing some gloves, either way, it's okay. Once you get picked up you make your way back up to the top of the continental divide where you have an awesome little lunch provided. It was just turkey and ham sandwiches with a veggie platter and chips but it certainly hit the spot! I mean, eating at almost 12,000 ft is pretty much worth it for a cheese stick. 

Once you've finished up you unload the bikes and make your way down the Breckenridge side which is definitely a bit longer but it's still downhill the whole time. I personally think the views on this side were a little better as well because you were able to see more of the ski resort. All in all, this trip was so much fun and well worth the $100 - I think just the transportation and food would've been worth a hundred bucks to be honest! What's nice is that this trip leaves in the morning so you get back into town around 1 PM which makes enough time for you to have time walking around town checking out the shops or grabbing a beer! I recommend the beer personally, In Breckenridge fashion, a beer generally follows every outdoor activity.

At the end of the day, this past weekend was great! When is your next mountain top adventure?

Breckenridge fun and Breckenridge Oktoberfest

by Jared Black

Breckenridge fun and Breckenridge Oktoberfest


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